Not that my blog needed any more timeline issues, but it's true we really did have a little taste of Thanksgiving in June! My man turned the big 3-0 this year and we celebrated it in true Kyle style!
Every November after we have all feasted on a delicious bird and all our favorite fall side dishes, Kyle asks why we only have this fabulous meal once a year and insist that he is going to request it for his "birthday dinner" that Deed delivers for each birthday recipient.
But, once June rolls around and the crisp fall air is long gone, so to is the turkey wish...but not this year! We were determined to pull a fast one on the birthday boy! We sent him off to golf with the boys thinking he was coming home to a pulled pork birthday salad, but instead he walked right into a full on Thanksgiving Feast! It was priceless! And of course, I don't have a single picture of the glorious event! (what wrong with me!)
Well, the story was worth telling and Kyle is definintly a grand guy worth celebrating!
Happy Birthday Babe! Love you!
(On a side note, we figured out why we do only have this extra yummy meal once a makes a really big mess that takes a long time to clean up! Thanks girls for toughing it out with me!)
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