"Sundance is a mixture of old and new, lush and spare, sophisticated and primitive-like art itself." -Robert Redford
Sundance is by far a masterpiece like no other and one of my most favorite places on earth! There's definitely some magic in the air and God's great beauty will stop you dead in your tracks...
...and then fill each step with His great joy!
The whole gang had a hay day dancing around this precious place that is chuck full of simple treasures around every turn!
We did plenty of exploring through the 5,000 acres of grandeur that create this haven against the Timpanoga Mountains...
new life...
sweet friendships...
God's beauty...
Pure bliss in the great outdoors!
We hopped on the tram to explore the higher trails and they were just as spectacular!
(On a sidenote, someday I plan on living here and growing a giant garden, working at the Art Shack, taking amazing pictures, watching all my family bask in the beauty of the Lord's land, and knowing these trails like the back of my hand because I tread on them daily!...hey we all have to dream...and I told you my love was deep!)