Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Brave Little Biker!

It's no secret that Ellery-Joy enjoys to be successful at a project, and if there's any doubt in her mind she tends to shy away, so when she asked her Dad to take her training wheels off her bike we were a little shocked, but jumped right on board!

She gave it her all and zipped around and around that cult-de-sac making many different was quite hilarious to watch her wobble about with her gloves on and her skirt flying in the air! Her and her Daddy were having a hay day! It was pretty special!
Hartley-Love was not sure what to make of the event, and kept running down the street after her yelling "!" (Don't worry my little friend, your day will come soon enough!)
Our brave little biker gave it her all, but without the sweet taste of success in her mouth, she decided she wanted her Dad to put her training wheels back on and she would try it again when she was 5!


  1. We love this post! Glad to see you back:)

  2. I know a "bye-bye training wheel" secret! I'll have to remember to tell you.
