Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tahoe Days!

What's summer without a few days spent digging your toes into the glorious sand of Tahoe!?
Our first trip to this grand lake was with the Esquibel girls and it was the perfect kickoff!
(why do we not come up here more!?)

It's pure joy! So much so, we decided to go again! This time we brought along Grandma Lauper for some crawdaddy fishing!

The sweet smile of success!
(a slice of salami from some fellow hunters was a major bonus!)
Our second trip to Tahoe was glorious, so we headed up the very next day with the Durling and Munson gangs for yet another day basking in the sun!

Grandma Lauper did some serious floaty pulling! I do not share her love for the freezing cold Tahoe water, so the girls were thrilled to have a water willing friend!
Harts and Ava have the same taste in swimsuits and a lot of other things...being as sweet and sassy as possible is at the top of the list! These two girls have a deep love for each other and it really is the cutest thing to hear Ava say "Huart-Ley!"

Check out that dork in the lifeguard chair your not suppose to climb up on! Here's the story...Ciera parked us right next to this giant ladder chair that taunted me the whole day through (I really thought it'd be fun to sit way up there!) So after calling me a wimp and watching the lifeguard head the other way, she threw some shoes up there for me to go rescue, snapped a quick photo, and I jumped down feeling really rebellious! Like I said, check out the DORK!
I had to include this picture of us lugging all our beach goods up the sandy hill because Harts insisted on toting her dolphin the whole way and I think it took us a good 20 minutes to make it to the car! (It's also the reason my sweet Mom ordered me a beach buggy for next year! Thanks! I promise to take more than 3 lousy Tahoe trips so we can really try it out!)

Pool Days!

Being that "Pool" and "Summer" are synonyms in Court's world, she created Tuesday Swim Day...And we couldn't be more thankful! Tuesdays quickly became a favorite day this summer as we grabbed our suits and headed to the Guillen Pool for a grand day with lots of special friends!
Cinco sported a suit that only a crew made up of mostly girls can appreciate! But don't worry, he made sure everyone got wet in true BOY style!
Harts didn't log in much time actually in the pool, but she was always prepared with some floaties and goggles!

What a pool party line up!
Soak it all up!

Garage Projects!

Deed has a square in the laundry room that proudly displays the heights of Court and Kyle through the years, and every time we head home Kyle points it out and asks why we don't have a growth chart for the girls...well, I guess he's grown tired of waiting for me and took matters into his own hands...
Elle was hopeful to reach 48" so she would be tall enough to ride the big slides at the water park...Shoot! Not quite yet!
Harts wasn't quite sure about the whole idea and didn't really care how tall she was!
(Notice the box of Nerds we bribed her with!)
Way to go project buddies! Our garage now houses a record of your growth! Nice work!
...Girls, you will always measure up with me!
(...and now when you're all grown up I can look back at how small you once were and cry! Thanks a lot Kyle!)

Feeling inspired by their garage project with their Dad, the fun continued on...
Take some of these...
a couple cans of this...
add in a girl in her Daddy's garage with a project in mind, wait an hour and you get...
(Poor Harts, she wasn't sure about this project either!)

Soaking Wet Fun!

A Summer evening + a garden hose = a night of pure joy!

Once the sisters had their share of fun, they decided to invite their Daddy in for some fun....
...Ellery-Joy might rethink her invite next time!
Sweet Summer Smiles! Love you three LOTS!

VBS with Maugee!

These four girls were all smiles as Court dropped them all off at Maugee's for a Vacation Bible School spend over supreme!

Maguee gladly braved the brood of girls and dialed them in each night for some good old fashion Jesus Love at Parkside! They loved VBS and are still telling stories of their grand adventure.

Maugee lovingly rolled out the Strasdin Lane red carpet and created a sweet summer treat for four special little girls!
We ended the week with a stop at LaFiesta and all marveled at Ellery-Joy's Pepsi slurp down and Hartley-Love's salsa slurp...they take their LaFiesta treats very seriously!

Thanks you so much Maugee for sharing your love and your steadfast faith with the girls!
What a legacy! Thank you! Thank you!

Pigeon Problems

(If you have a deep love for birds, you might want to skip this post!)

We've shared our home with birds in the past and enjoyed checking out their cute nests and peeking on their eggs wondering when they'll hatch, but this summer a pair of fat annoying pigeons took up roost right over our front door and we did not enjoy waking up to their loud coos at 5 in the morning or cleaning up their mess outside our front door,
so we invested in some spikes...
not only were they ugly, but they didn't work, so... sunny afternoon after Kyle had picked up Trini's BB gun we came home to this guy staring us down, and then the next moment...
...Kyle was staring down the barrel of the BB gun...
so sorry buddy, but you picked the wrong house and the wrong guy to mess with!