Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Green Eggs & Chocolate!

We celebrated the day of green with a little help from our friends the leprechauns! We decided to hang up our leprechaun buddy "Leafy" to let the leprechauns know we were their friends. Ellery-Joy was convinced if we did so, they would be nice to us! (She also insisted upon green jammies so she wouldn't get pinched in the night!)

Leafy took care of us and left us plenty of gold coins with a yummy surprise inside! (Hartley-Love was most happy!) Even Roxxy got a little leprechaun love!

All in all, it was a wee bit o' fun!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Roxxy the new Rocky!

Well, after much deliberation and a touch longer than a normal naming period, our dog has a name of her own!
Roxxy the Box-Star is part of the fam. and we LOVE her!
(Name of origin: Roxxy is the female version of Rocky Balboa...see the resemblance?)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Finally, a REAL


Yes, it's true! After a good two years of begging and pleading and many attempts to thwart Ellery-Joy's desires for a "real" dog, we delivered! As most of you know my man Kyle does not make a big decision quickly, and I am the queen of over-analyzing (hence the two year wait!) So the fact that we showed up at Uncle Trini and CoCo's with a dog, without saying a word to anyone, was quite the surprise! And quite the hit!


The Guillen Gang was hit with a mean case of puppy fever! Look at her! She's adorable!

Girl number three for Daddy!

Hartley-Love's enjoys the puppy as long as she's sitting still!

Sweet Puppy Love!

Now we're a "real" family with a "real" dog!
However, we are not really prepared! We came home with just a boxer food, bed, collar, toys, name, or clue as to what we were doing! After two trips to the pet store and some crash course puppy reading, we're pressing on! There's just one minor detail to seal up...her NAME!
I know you're shocked but we just can't decided! Any ideas?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Paint Project

Last weekend Kyle woke up ready for a paint project, so being the handy man that he is, he brought in the ladder, tape, paint, and brushes and started to prep the hall inset for paint! Ellery-Joy LOVES being her Dad's assistant on such projects and was quickly peppering him with questions, and then the golden question, "Can I paint on the wall by myself?"
With a heart full of joy she climbed the ladder and began her masterpiece! I love watching Kyle project with the girls, they are so lucky to be his assistants and I'm so thankful for all of the projects they've tackled for me! Thanks crew!

Winter Wonderland

This winter has been especially cold and long and full of fun weather! We've had it all...rain, snow, hail, wind, and just plain old cold! We have soaked it in and enjoyed the wonderland flurries. The evenings spent watching the giant flakes fall while sipping hot cocoa and the mornings of pure white have brought much joy! We've layered up in our snow gear many of times to go sledding, gather with cousins, build snow volcanoes, cry, laugh, discover the delight of catching snowflakes on your tongue, make snow angels, shovel and just play it up! It truly has been a winter's our ode to winter!

A winter to remember for sure!

The BaBa

It's no secret that our buddy Macey loves her milk and her baba! And it's no secret that Harts typically want nothing to do with either! However, once Macey started sipping on her baba Harts just had to have one too! The girls took a little baba break in the carseats while I snapped away! Thanks for the baba love Macey!