Friday, January 8, 2010

The Word of the Year

definition: to dig in; investigate; seek; turn inside out; question; scout

definition: a task of investigation; work; something that is planned; undertaking

definition: exist in abundance; to be filled; be plentiful; be all over the place; thrive

definition: aim attention at; center; fixate; sharpen; zone in

Here's to a year that is sure to explore the abounding projects and focus on the joy of the journey!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Twenty Ten

There's just something about a fresh new year that gets you going. You look back on the year past, account for all the highs and lows, take a deep breath, and get a plannin' for the 365 days that lie ahead. The possibilities are endless! It's like a new pad of paper and a freshly sharpened pencil...Now I have no trouble filling up sheet after sheet with great ideas and glorious plans, it's the execution I tend to struggle with! But, here I stand at the beginning point ready to embark on a grand new adventure...2010! Who knew the party would start with a blog?

Friday, January 1, 2010

here we go!